
Mona Lisa – Like Viagra For Women Only Better

There was a time when if you went to a doctor to talk about your vagina, it meant you were pregnant, going through menopause, getting a pap smear, had noticed a smell or discharge, or had experienced an unfortunate accident with a bicycle, none of which were particularly sexy.

But for many women in their 30’s and 40’s, particularly those who may be hitting the dating scene after a long absence, have recently entered a new relationship, or simply want to enjoy what is often considered a time of heightened sexual awareness by getting in touch with their inner cougar, they simply want to make sure the VJ is up for action.

So What Happens to the’ VJ’ During Your 30’s and 40’s?

Just like the rest of you, your lady flower changes over the course of your life. In your 20’s, everything is peachy, but once your 30’s hit, the slippery slide starts.

Many Australian women now give birth in their thirties. This means additional wear, tear and stretching on the walls.

“During your 40’s, the muscles in the pelvic floor start to loosen, causing the vagina to slacken, and sex to be slightly less satisfying than when you were in your 20’s. Add to this the tendency for the vagina to produce less estrogen, the walls to thin out, and the increasing levels of dryness; it’s no wonder many women start wondering if their kitty still wants to party as much as they do”

But all is not lost. Just like men experienced something of a sexual revolution in the early 2000’s with Viagra, women can now increase their sexual confidence with a new procedure called Mona Lisa Touch.

Mona Lisa Laser is a new Co2 laser system specifically designed to stimulate the production of vaginal lubricant. In the process, the vagina recovers the firmness and tone it had when it was younger.

It’s also great for women who, while not yet menopausal, may be experiencing menopause-like symptoms like dryness, which could be a result of periods of illness, treatment for illness, smoking, or simply not having been on the horse for a while.

Dr. Suzie Bekir calls it ‘a complete game changer’ for women looking to improve their sex lives.

But don’t take our word for it. One Taylor Clinic patient commented after her treatment for atrophic vaginitis, “conditions are mighty fine on the slopes”.

Vaginal rejuvenation – Doctors desk:

This laser can:

• Tighten the vagina and vulval vestibule and improve vaginal laxity
• Provide treatment for atrophic vaginitis and improve sexual function
• Enhance the appearance of pigmented vulva
• Normalise vaginal discharge
• Improve stress urinary incontinence or weak bladder
• Reduce vaginal burning sensation and/or itching
• Improve painful sexual intercourse, dyspareunia
• Non-surgical labiaplasty
The procedure is much more simple than you must think. This revolutionary new approach to women’s intimate parts involves:

• No General Anaesthetic
• No down time
• 15 minute procedure in Clinic
• Safe, Non Invasive laser treatment
• Performed by medical and surgical doctors

So while Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa may barely have been able to muster a smirk, you’ll be smiling your Mona Lisa smile for days to come.


Mona Lisa

How do we get started with atrophic vaginitis treatment or non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation in Sydney?

If you wish to discuss vaginal health with our doctors please contact 1300 00 3223 for a consultation with Dr Suzie Bekir, who will perform a full medical history and examination and discuss your suitability for this medical procedure.

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