Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping or Nose job)

Treatment Info

Time 9.00AM – 5.00PM Mon – Fri
Staff Dr Tobias Pincock
Price POA

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Rhinoplasty (Nose Reshaping or Nose job)

Love your profile at every angle.

Full frontal or a sleek side profile, there’s no denying the shape of your nose is one of the most defining facial features. Sitting in the very centre of your face and literally “standing out” from other features, the aesthetic of your nose matters.

The objective of rhinoplasty surgery is to create a harmonious and natural appearing balance between your nose and other facial features.

Professional Nose Jobs – Qualified Plastic Surgery in Sydney

Desiring a change in the shape of the nose is one of the most frequently requested facial plastic surgery procedures. It is the most prominent facial feature, and it is very common to meet patients who have been unhappy with the appearance of their nose for most of their lives.

There are many reasons why we consult with our patients on nose surgery. You’re not at your best when the image staring back at you in the mirror doesn’t reflect who you are on the inside. Patients can become shy and introverted, and in extreme cases their personal and professional life may suffer. Rhinoplasty can have a profound effect on appearance and, when done well, can boost confidence and self-esteem.

Alternatively, patients who have been very happy with the appearance of their nose undergo some form of physical trauma with a resultant nasal fracture and change in the shape of the nose. Uncorrected, this can be devastating for some patients with a serious loss of self-confidence that can affect personal relationships and work performance.

We also perform rhinoplasty to resolve breathing and sinus problems. In these cases, insurance may cover some or the majority of the costs involved with your surgery.

The object of this urgery is to create a harmonious balance between the patient’s nose and other facial features. It is extremely important for you to communicate your desires to Dr. Pincock, so that an exact plan is developed for your surgery that is tailored personally to what you’re after.

Our immersive consultation process ensures we listen to your desires and develop an exact plan that is tailored personally to what you’re after.

To take your confidence to the next level, start with a consult our Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr Pincock, and our team of cosmetic medical professionals.

Come to Sydney’s Rhinoplasty (nose job surgery) experts

 With any surgical procedure on the face it is important to ensure that your surgeon has the appropriate training, this is especially true of rhinoplasty. It is imperative to ensure that your surgeon is well trained and has the necessary skills for performing rhinoplasty.

Many surgical manoeuvres can be performed to change the nasal shape, making it smaller or shorter, making the tip narrower, straightening the nose, removing a dorsal hump etc. In modifying the shape of, however, the function should not be sacrificed.

Not all the surgeons undertaking this procedure have the knowledge, skills, or experience required to perform this complex plastic surgery job. Facial plastic surgery and otolaryngology training dedicates an extensive part of its program to rhinoplasty, and facial plastic surgeons are often uniquely qualified to perform this job. They are not only trained in techniques that make your nose smaller or straighter, but also in those that preserve or improve your nasal breathing. For these reasons you should only ever have your rhinoplasty performed by a surgeon who has Ear, Nose and Throat (Otolaryngology) training.

“Get the nose job done right” – How a functional nose assessment is important before your Rhinoplasty

Many people who are happy with the appearance of their nose require a rhinoplasty for breathing problems; this is often called “functional rhinoplasty” and sometimes it is necessary to straighten your septum or address your sinuses at the same time. In these cases, insurance may cover some or the majority of the costs involved with your surgery.

At your initial consultation, Dr. Pincock will perform a thorough diagnostic evaluation, occasionally including an examination with a small fibre-optic telescope. Other diagnostic tests can be done, depending on the severity of the problem, but they are seldom required.

With most modern rhinoplasty techniques the majority of incisions are made inside the nose, but occasionally a small incision will be made between the nostrils. The skin is then separated from the underlying bone and cartilage, which are then reshaped according to the desired shape, this may require cartilage grafts from the nasal septum, in revision rhinoplasty these grafts can be obtained from auricular (ear) cartilage, rib cartilage, cranial bone or implant materials. The incisions are then closed. A splint is typically applied to the outside of the nose and needs to stay for about a week.

Dr Pincock will see you in the office five to seven days after the procedure to ensure that healing is progressing well and to clean out your air passages, so as to ease your breathing. Some swelling is expected afterwards, and you may need to use medications or nasal spray to keep your nasal passages open. Keeping the head elevated and applying cold compresses helps to reduce the swelling. Pain is usually minimal, but you will be prescribed pain medications to take as needed. The splint and the sutures will be removed in about a week. The majority of the swelling resolves during the first month, but your nose will continue to adjust its shape over the next twelve to eighteen months.

Speak to us for further information or to make an appointment

Please phone 8883 5368 or send us an online enquiry to find out more about Rhinoplasty in Sydney and book for procedures, including natural lip filling as well as laser skin resurfacing plus many more. For online enquiries, click here.

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