DOT Therapy Laser

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Time Mon-Fri 9.00AM – 5.00PM
Staff Registered Nurse/Cosmetic Injector Available

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DOT Therapy – The Benefits and Results

DOT Therapy with the SmartXide DOT CO ² laser offers the ultimate in skin rejuvenation in just under an hour for most treatments. DOT Therapy is ideal for the treatment for:

  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin laxity
  • Skin texture improvement
  • Sun damage
  • Brown spots
  • Fine lines
  • Acne scars

DOT Therapy Before and Afters

Not only does the DOT offer amazing results, it achieves this quickly and with little downtime.

What Will DOT Therapy Do for Me?

Now, using DOT Therapy, an innovative, new laser technology, less than 30 minutes in your doctor’s office may restore your skin’s youthful appearance. While the aging process cannot be stopped, with proper care you can maintain your rejuvenated skin’s appearance for many years!

If you have spent years in the sun, especially without adequate sun protection, then you know what it can do to your skin. Wrinkles, skin discoloration, sun spots, skin laxity may be reduced or eliminated with DOT Therapy. Also, if you have scars from acne or other skin injuries, then you may also be a candidate for this procedure.

The secret is out and the benefits of DOT Therapy speak for themselves:

  • Minimal downtime
  • Rapid healing
  • Quick procedure
  • Low risk
  • Accurate results
  • Customized treatment
  • Minimally invasive
  • Renewed skin
  • Treatment of multiple issues at once
  • Little or no anesthesia

What is DOT Therapy?

DOT Therapy (Dermal Optical Thermolysis) is a fractional laser designed to transform skin and enhance its overall appearance with minimal downtime. DOT Therapy can reverse the appearance of aged or sun-damaged skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines and minimize acne scars.

Because DOT Therapy delivers the desired outcome with minimal downtime, it is rapidly replacing traditional laser skin resurfacing as the treatment of choice for mild to moderate signs of photo damage.

How Does DOT Therapy Work?

  • Reverse the appearance of aged and sun damaged skin
  • Improve texture and firmness
  • Smooth wrinkles and lines
  • Reduce the appearance of acne and other scars
  • Renew your skin

DOT Therapy is setting a new standard for skin rejuvenation in fractional laser resurfacing. During the procedure, your doctor will apply a pattern of tiny scanned pulses of laser energy to your skin with a controlled laser.

The DOT procedure is customized to your skin by your doctor. The doctor can adjust the laser’s settings to tailor treatment and obtain the best results for you. Adjustments can be made throughout the procedure to more accurately treat specific areas such as acne scars on the cheeks or fine lines around the mouth.

The DOT Therapy laser precisely creates thousands of microscopic holes (DOT’s) in your skin, which induce immediate skin tightening and stimulate new collagen growth. Patients are often amazed at how tight their skin feels immediately after the procedure.

DOT Therapy is designed to improve the skin’s texture and tone and to fight fine lines, deep wrinkles, and acne scars. Unlike other laser resurfacing technologies, DOT Therapy leaves islands of healthy tissue surrounding the microscopic DOTs. This enables your skin to heal more rapidly and minimizes overall damage.

So click here to book an appointment or call us on 8883 5368.

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